Best Position for a Greenhouse

Category: Ideas

Best Position for a Greenhouse Simply owning a greenhouse is no guarantee that you will be able to grow all kinds of crops, plants and foliage. There are far more factors to be taken into consideration if you are to become a green fingered wizard.

One of the most important factors that we often get asked by our customers is the best position for a greenhouse. This is a fundamental consideration that we advise all of our customers to consider carefully prior to placing their final order.


Where to Site a Greenhouse

With decades of experience in the industry, we are well positioned to offer advice on where to put a greenhouse in your garden so as to maximise the potential for plant prosperity.

We generally advise our customers to aim to site their greenhouse with the ridge running from East to West if at all possible. This means that your plants will benefit from maximum exposure to sunlight throughout the day.

There is no need to be concerned about the impact that this might have on more sensitive crops, because here at Douxbebe Greenhouses we also offer advanced greenhouse shading solutions to shield particular sections away from sunlight whenever required.

In addition to this, we are also able to provide greenhouse partitions. These basically enable you to create two different growing environments within the same greenhouse. Be sure to ask one of our team about this when placing your order so that we can factor this into your bespoke greenhouse design.


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Additional Considerations


However, there are also a number of other practical factors to take into consideration when it comes to finding the best position for a greenhouse.

Firstly, try to find somewhere in your garden which has relatively level footing. This will help to ensure that you have the best possible greenhouse base and significantly reduces the work required when installing.


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Secondly, take utilities into consideration. In the event of you requiring electrical equipment in your greenhouse you may want to lay a conduit underneath the concrete through which to feed electrics or even water pipes into your greenhouse. If this is the case, then we advise having your greenhouse sited closer to your home so that utilities can be fed in more economically.


Thirdly, try to ensure that your greenhouse is positioned away from tall trees. Whilst this can provide handy protection from strong winds, they may also shield your greenhouse from potential sunlight.


Wind levels are not as much of a concern when you buy a Douxbebe Greenhouse in comparison to some other brands, with all of our greenhouses being constructed from ultra strong materials using only the best modern manufacturing techniques to ensure that we deliver a durable product to our customers which will stand the test of time.

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